Our Story
As you crest the hill on State highway 10, heading north, just past the harborside town of Mangonui, you are suddenly greeted by the magnificent vista that is Doubtless Bay. As you wind your way along the coast you are treated to glimpses of golden sandy beaches through the Pohutakawa trees dotted along the side of the road, and all the time the beautiful clear waters of the bay roll in and out generating that reassuring sound that we all love about the beach.
Our water
Hand harvested from local beaches, our water first goes through a filter and then slowly through the power of the sun is split into two separate products. Water vapour is collected to produce the distilled water we bottle and sell. Any water that does not evaporate is collected as concentrated brine and dropped next door to The Taipa Salt Pig who turn brine into salt.
Now that’s eco friendly!
Ocean, Bottled & ready to drink
Available in 2 different sizes, individually or in a box of 4.